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My Story

I began practicing yoga and studying Ayurveda in 2009. From 2010-2012 I completed a two year course in Ayurveda becoming a Certified Ayurvedic practitioner. From 2011-2016 I made annual extended trips to India to study Ashtanga yoga, Sanskrit, philosophy and Ayurveda. In 2016 I was authorized by Sharath Jois in Mysore, India to teach the Ashtanga Yoga method, I am one of two Ashtanga teachers in the state of Indiana. As part of my yoga teaching, I also teach breathing and specific breathwork practices. I am currently a student in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition; and will be graduating as a health coach in December 2022 and sitting for the National Board Health and Wellness certification exam in 2023. I offer one on one yoga, Ayurvedic consultations and health coaching specializing in pre-diabetes and weight loss. I have worked with several clients helping to get sugar under control and implement a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Healing Happens Here

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